Infinity Inc
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Welcome to Infinity Inc, which is one of the newest action-adventure games online added on our website, as well as shooting games, and it is not unlike anything else that you might have gotten used to before playing here, so we are very happy that right now we get to share this game with you, since just before having added it here we have played it ourselves, and had a lot of fun from the start to the end. In this next part of the description we are going to explain what you have to do in it, so have no worries at all about how you are going to perform. Well, in this game, you are going to use a clone gun to clone yourself, in the goal of going around the scientific facility, defeat any enemies that come in your path, and solve the mystery revolving here, since something horrific went down here. You move with the A and D keys, jump with W, erase with J, switch clone with I, clone with L, and use the space bar for self destruction. Use your abilities and your gun to beat every level, and have a lot of fun, just like we have had, and you will never want this game to be over, trust us on that!
How to play?
Use the WAD keys, as well as J,I,L and the space bar.