Fantasy Ice Cream Factory
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We know that children love playing ice cream cooking games online, which is why we were very happy when we discovered this brand new game that we are sharing with you all right now, a game entitled Fantasy Ice Cream Factory, with which there is no way at all that you are not going to have an amazing time, since we certainly did so, which is why we knew that this was a game that we had to share with everyone on our website. Now, because most probably you are all going to give it a chance, we will be using this next part of the description to teach you more about it, after which we hope you will start. First of all, you are going to have to clean up the ice cream factory, as the workers in the previous shift have left it kind of messy. Then comes the ice factory process, and finally the cooking of the ice cream. For all of these three stages to the game, simply follow the on-screen instructions, clicking where you are being shown, and you are not going to have any stress at all, but to a great job, and have plenty of fun from start to finish as well. Start now, and have fun like it is possible to have only here!
How to play?
Use the mouse.