Paddle Pop Jump
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It's really great that today on our website we get to return to the amazing category of The After School Adventures of Paddle Pop Games, because we have only recently created it, and we have been providing you with lots of interesting and new games in it, which we have seen were quite well received, so something tells us that this one is going to be as well, because we have already played it before we added it to our website, so we know from our own experience with it. In case you want to learn more about how it works, worry not, as all you need to do is continue reading the description. You press the right arrow key to move into that direction, and the left arrow key to move into that direction. Keep watch of the high jump bar, because if you press the space bar when it is full, you will fly the highest. Your goal is to keep on jumping in order to reach the top before the sixty seconds granted for that runs out on you, so try it your best all the way through to achieve this goal. Good luck to you, and when you are done, we hope that you are not going to leave, since the day only started, meaning plenty more great content is on the way!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys and space bar.