Pigeon Game
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Welcome all to one of the newest skill games from our website, a game that is called Pigeon Game, and which we highly recommend to all of you, since we have added it after playing it and having a brilliant time from start to finish with it, which is the same thing that we want from your own experience with the game, and if you are going to give it your best, we are sure that so is going to be the case. Now, because the title does not give away what you have to do in the game, we will tell you right now, making sure you will not have any stress playing it. Well, the pigeon is going to move all around the circle, where there is corn in it. You click and the pigeon is going to grab the corn, but make sure not to grab the rotten ones, or you lose. Grab only the golden ones. At the same time, when you see a worm coming out of the worm, time your click to grab it as well, since it provides you with power-ups, which we are sure are going to be helpful. When all the golden corn has been collected, you will move on to the following level. Good luck to everyone, and when you are done, make sure to stay with us for even more great games today!
How to play?
Use the mouse.