Killer Corral
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Killer Corral is one of the newest action games, shooting games, and alien games we are very happy to share with you all on our website, where we are always looking forward to sharing with you great games from the internet, since we know that you come to our website daily because you know very well that such games can easily be found, and since we have had fun playing this one, why would you not as well? It is also a little bit different from most games, so even better, right? We will now be explaining how the game works, after which you are going to be able to play it with ease, and win it in no time! Well, the goal that you have is to protect the piggies from the aliens, by shooting at them before they capture the pigs. To do so, use the mouse to aim and shoot, and if you want to move around and jump, use the W,A,S,D keys, of course. You need ammo to destroy the aliens, so press the right mouse button to plant a seed and grow ammo, something for which you have to wait for the process to be done. It's not hard at all, but really fun, so start at once, and when you are done, come and check out some of our other great games!
How to play?
Use the mouse and WASD keys.