Yukikos Sushi Shop
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We are now inviting you to play one of the most unique cooking games and girl games we have added today on our website, entitled Yukikos Sushi Shop, with which we are positive you are about to have a really great time, since we can say the same thing of our own experience with the game, because if that had not been the case, we do not think that the game would have been brought here in the first place. In the next part of the description we will explain what it is you have to do in the game, so you should have no worries about now knowing what to do in it. Well, you are going to start by playing a luck game, where using the funds you have you are going to draw all sorts of balls, which are going to have sushi ingredients in them. Depending on the ingredients you have gathered, you will cook dishes for your clients, which you are then going to sell. With the money you earn, you get more ingredients, then cook and sell more sushi, and so forth until you get as much profit as possible. Good luck to all of you playing, and we hope you will have a great time, just like we have had!
How to play?
Use the mouse.