Jolly Jumpers
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Jolly Jumpers is one of the best new 4 Player Games our administrative team is very happy to have added on our website, because that means that the website and category is better than it was before the addition of it, and that there are going to be many children who are going to try out this game, together with their friends, and have lots of fun from beginning to end, just like we can say that we did with it, which was the reason for bringing it over in the first place. From the next part of the description you learn what you do in the game and how, so make sure to pay attention! Well, you are going to play in how many players you want, up to four. Each player has to jump from platform to platform, and reach as high as possible, because the one who gets the highest, wins. Of course, you need to be very careful not to fall down in the lava, or you lose. As for the controls, they are: Q and W, up and down, G and H, K and L. You can play co-op, or versus modes. You all have three lives, so take good care of them. Good luck to everyone playing, and if you are up for more fun, stay with us all day and see what amazing games we prepare for you!
How to play?
Use the following controls: Q and W, up and down, G and H, K and L.