Fruit Ninja Minecraft
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We always love to return to the Minecraft Games category, since we know just how much our fans of it love to play the games we bring in it, so of course we are very happy that right now an awesome game such as Fruit Ninja Minecraft has been added, since it brings the format of fruit ninja games in this category, making the experience an even better one, and one we have no doubt at all you will love, as skill games have always been very popular here. From the description you will be able to learn how the game works, so do not hesitate reading it! You will notice that the fruits will be block-shaped, and they will show up from the bottom of the game screen. When this happens you have to use your mouse in order to slice them using the mouse, which you have to hold clicked, when you do the cutting. Watch out, because sometimes, a bomb will pop up, and if you slice it, it will explode, and you lose the game. For the fruits you slice you will receive points, so we hope you will gain as many points as possible, to have a huge score by the end. Good luck to you all, and we hope that just like us, you will be having a blast here!
How to play?
Use the mouse.