Pocos Haunted House Party
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One of the latest and most fun Halloween Games you will be able to play right in this instant on our website is this one, a game entitled Poco's Haunted House Party, where Poco needs your help to prepare for the Halloween house party he is throwing, where all sorts of ghosts and ghouls are going to come to have a great time this holiday. The thing is, the house is far from ready to party in, so he needs your help decorating some more, and making sure everything looks neat. We explain how to do it right here, so worry not, you should be able to play the game with ease! The main things that you will help this friendly ghost do is light the pumpkins in the house, and find decorations which then need to be placed so that you make the house a more spooky one. Move and jump using the four arrow keys, and if you want to light up a pumpkin, use the space bar. Good luck to you all, from beginning to end, and we hope you won't leave, since there are plenty more awesome games we want to share with you all day, and missing them would be a shame!
How to play?
Use the arrows, space bar.