Lego Ninjago Return of the Oni

Lego Ninjago Return of the Oni

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Today on our website we are making a long-awaited return to the Lego Ninjago Games category, a page where new content has not been added in quite a while, so of course we are very happy that right now we get the chance of sharing with everyone a game like Lego Ninjago Return of the Oni, a game that our entire administrative team has had a brilliant time with, and it is one of the most action-packed and fun games we've had here in a while, so not playing it is not something we recommend. We will now proceed to give you more details about the game, after which you should not have difficulties in playing it. You are going to need to help the ninjas in taking on Oni, a demon lord who has now returned to wreak havoc on the Lego world, and your goal will be to stop him from achieving his. You are going to need to control the different ninjas, using the mouse, with which you go around and attack all the enemies in your path, having to take them all down, and make sure to avoid them and their hits as well. Good luck, enjoy, and don't leave since we have more great games coming today for you, all of which you are bound to enjoy!

How to play?

Use the mouse.