Lego Ninjago Crystalized

Lego Ninjago Crystalized

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Lego Ninjago Crystalized is one of the newest driving games in 3D to have been added into this category of Cartoon Network Games online, for which we have not had new content in quite a while, but considering that the show has reached its end, we are positive that nostalgic fans are really interested in playing games such as this one right now!

Play Lego Ninjago Crystalized online for free!

You will use the A and D or Left and Right arrows to move your bike through the courses, where you need to avoid the various obstacles and enemies you encounter because bumping into them means losing then and there and having to start the courses from scratch.

Along the courses, if you wish to gain points, collect as many of the glowing crystals that float around as possible, because they are what will add up to your score. Good luck, the best we wish you, as always, and we hope that you continue playing the amazing new games being added here for everyone!

How to play?

Use the A/D or Left/Right keys.