Gumball Runner Adventure

Gumball Runner Adventure

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Today is a great day to be a fan of Gumball Games online, since right now and here we have added yet another new and awesome game to this category of Cartoon Network Games, Gumball Runner Adventure is one of the most exciting runnings and jumping games this category has had in a while, so you should have no excuses at all not to give it a try yourself!

You will have an obstacle course through which you have to help Gumball reach as further down as possible because the more you advance, the better, but along the way you should also collect rings and gifts since they represent your score, so having lots of them will increase it.

Make sure to be careful not to hit the obstacles, over which you have to either jump by pressing the up arrow key, or you have to slide underneath them by pressing the down arrow key, simple as that.

You have a limited number of lives, so don’t bump into obstacles and lose them all, but if you want extra lives you can grab them from the courses when you see the hearts. Good luck with all the fun, and don’t stop here, since it would be a shame not to play even more of our new games, every day!

How to play?

Use the arrow keys.