Gumball Personality Quiz
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Well, we did promise you multiple new Gumball Games on our website today, so here we are, making good on our promise, and doing so by offering you all the chance of playing a game called Gumball Personality Quiz, which is one of the first quiz games this category of Cartoon Network Games has ever had, so get ready for a new and interesting experience together with these characters, which we are sure you are just going to love, just like we have enjoyed it. This game reveals to you which of the characters in the show you resemble most, and we will now explain it's format! You are going to receive different questions, and for each of them you are going to have to choose one of the three available answers. The questions are sometimes accompanied by images, which have a lot to do with them, so pay attention to that aspect as well. When you have finished answering all of the questions the game has put on the table, you are going to learn which character you are, and we hope you will be happy with the answer. The day is not over, so stay with us, as plenty of new and interesting games are coming later as well!
How to play?
Use the mouse.