Gumball Animation Game
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We know that Gumball Games is one of the most popular categories on our website, so how could we have missed the opportunity of sharing with you all a brilliant game such as Gumball Animation Game, which is different from anything else you have played here before, and no doubt about it one of the best dancing games that are ever going to be available in this category. You heard that right, we did say dancing! Now, we are also going to explain how dancing is done in this game so that you can start the fun immediately! Now, to begin with, you are going to choose between the two main characters, Gumball and Darwin, and you can always change back to the other one. On the left or right of them, you are going to see sliders, which are there to modify how the characters dance. You modify them using the mouse and depending on how you move them up and down, the movements of the characters change, and we are sure you will be able to do crazy things and funny as well. We hope to see you here all day as well since we have many more great games coming, that you should not miss out on!
How to play?
Use the mouse.