Pickle and Peanut Memory
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Welcome to the page of the game called Pickle and Peanut Memory, which is the new game that you can play and that belongs to the Pickle and Peanut Games 2016 category from Friv Games Today, where you can find some of the most nice games with these categories, and this great memory game will be for sure a very nice addition to the category! We know that many of you must have played other great memory games online before, but still, if you continue reading, you will find out how this one is played, which will give you an advantage in winning it! You have to press start in order to begin the game. You will have three rows of six cards each, which will have images of Peanut and Pickle, but they will be hidden. You will press on two cards at each time, and uncover them. If the two cards will be the same, that means that you have made a match, and you will gain points. If they are not a match, you will lose points, and they will be hidden again. Try to memorize every card as you unveil it, and find all the 9 pairs of images, and win the game! Don't forget to check out the Pickle and Peanut Games category, for many more interesting games with these characters!
How to play?
Use the mouse.