Bomb It 4
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Here we are, with another awesome game added to the Bomb It Games/Bomberman Games category on our website, which we know you love a lot, which is why we decided that today we would bring you multiple games from the series, especially since there are still quite a few of them left to offer you, and we want to have the complete series here, in order to please fans, and to make new fans more interested in it. If you have not played games like this one before, learn how they work from this next part of this description! If you play the single player mode, you use the arrow keys to move, and space to place bomb. For the 2 player mode, one player uses WASD and the space bar, and the other uses the arrow keys and enter. Your goal in the game is to go around the maze and plant bombs and trap your opponent so that he or she is going to explode, and that is when you win the round. You have all sorts of power-ups and weapons you can pick up to help you, and there are also vehicles in this game which you can use. In the end, we can only wish you good luck, and invite you to start the fun right away!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys, space bar, W,A,S,D keys, and the enter key.