Brave Shorties 2
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In the Armor Games category we have just added a brand new and awesome game for you all, called Brave Shorties 2, which we have enjoyed quite a lot, so we really wanted to share it with you all as well, so we really hope that none of you are going to miss out on the chance of playing this really awesome game. If you played the first game, you will surely give this one a go as well, but even if you did not, you should still check this one out. We will be explaining it right now, so even if you are new to the series, you will do just fine at the game. This is a strategy game in which you are going to be using the mouse to interact with castles, your units, characters, objects, and many more. Try to do your best to conquer all of the three regions which are all around the castles. Go around, defeating enemies, conquering land, and doing your best to upgrade your army and your attack and defense forces. That's the basic premise, as we will let you discover more things by yourself. Start playing this game right now, only on our website, and then try other games from this awesome category as well!
How to play?
Use the mouse.