Boxing Live: Round 2
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Boxing Games have always been really fun, and after seeing how well received the first Boxing Live game was, we decided that today would be a great chance for us to bring you the second game in the series, a game called Boxing Live: Round 2, where you are going to have even more fight boxing, which is without a doubt one of the best fighting sports in the entire world. For those of you who did not play the first game, learn how these games work by reading this description to the end. You will be able to choose the Fight Now type, create a box to your liking, or go into training to sharpen your skills. With the left arrow you jab, with the right one you throw a straight, a right uppercut with the up arrow key, a left uppercut with the down arrow key, CTRL for the haymaker, and the space bar to block. What more can we say? This is just like real boxing, only online, so give it your best to defeat all of the boxers you are going to be faced with in the game. Start it right now, and we are positive that you will be having fun, just like we had all the time we played this game!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys, space bar, CTRL key.