Warfare 1917
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We know that war games online are very popular, which is exactly why right now we are inviting you all to try the latest game that we have just added into the Armor Games category, which is a game called Warfare 1917, and which our administrative team has played, so we are telling you from experience that you are about to have a really great time playing an even better game. The game is going to take you back to the first world war, and we will be explaining what you have to do right now, so pay attention! Take over enemy ground to win battles, or by making them surrender by tearing down their morale. Each trench can fit up to 3 squads. Earn experience points by killing enemies and winning battles, and you are then going to be able to use those points to buy bonuses and upgrades. Remember that fire support weapons are your best bet against entrenched troops. You are mostly going to use the mouse in order to interact with the battlefield and command your troops. Start this awesome game right now, since you know how to play it, and have a really great amount of fun!
How to play?
Use the mouse.