8 Bits 3D Racing
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8 Bits 3D Racing is the name of the newest game that our administrative team has to offer everyone into the Minecraft Games category, which, as you may have realized from it's title, combines 3d games with racing games and car games, making for one of the best new car racing games we have ever had on our website, so we are positive that you are going to be having huge amounts of fun, just like we know that we have had with the game, which is why we have added it here in the first place. If you are curious about how it works, make sure that you read this description to the end! You can choose to play between three modes: career, single race, and time trial. For each you choose between the easy, normal, and hard levels of difficulties. You use the four arrow keys to control your kart, X for turbo, and Z for drifts. Obviously, your goal should be to win every race that you are going to take part in. There's really not anything else we could be telling you about the game, so you are invited to start it right away, and to stay with us, so you do not miss out on the many brilliant games we will bring you here today all day long!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys, Z and X keys.