KC Undercover Family Puzzle
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KC Undercover Family Puzzle is yet another puzzle game added by our team into the KC Undercover Games category, which we have seen that has been quite a well received category of Disney Channel Games so far, so it is with great joy that we bring you such games today as well, especially since there have not been any similar puzzle games in this category before, so that means that you are about to have a new experience, which is always great to have. Because of that, we will now explain just how the format works, making sure that you will have no issues with the game at all. You have a complete puzzle when you start the game, so you have to click on the Mezclar button underneath it in order to have the 40 pieces that it is comprised of shuffled randomly on the game screen. After that, you are going to use the mouse to pick them up and put them together like they were in the beginning. To do so, use the shapes of the pieces as well as the images on them as guide. Good luck to everyone solving the puzzle, and we hope you stay with us, as more games that are awesome are going to follow all day long!
How to play?
Use the mouse.