The Incredibles Spot the Difference
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We finish off the day with a game belonging to the Incredibles 2 Games category from our website, where all sorts of games have been added so far, but never before have we added any differences games in it, which is why it is now your chance to play exactly that type of game, a game called The Incredibles Spot the Difference, with which our administrative team has had lots of fun, so we have no doubt at all that you are going to as well. We will now be teaching you how it works, in case you need help and want to do a really great job at it! Well, you have six differences between the image on the left and that on the right which you have to identify and click on. Each time you do it correctly, you gain 50 points in return, but you lose 10 points clicking where there are no differences. Also, you lose a life, and you only have three available. Try and finish each level as quickly as possible, since you are always time, so the faster you are done, the more extra points you get. Start now, enjoy, and come back tomorrow, when we will wait for you with countless other great games, all of which we recommend totally!
How to play?
Use the mouse.