Monster Truck Soccer
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Monster Truck Soccer is a game that combines monster truck games online with soccer games/football games, resulting in a gaming experience unlike any other you might have had before, which is exactly why we hope that all of our boy games fans from our website are not going to miss out on this opportunity to have fun, since this is going to be something new and different even for them, which is one of the main reasons that the game has been added here in the first place. We will now be explaining it, so keep on reading if you want to go into it really prepared! You will control a monster truck, and the computer will control another one. To move it, use the right and left arrow keys. The goal is to take the ball and get it to the opponent's car's goal, and score points, and by the end of the time granted for the game, have more points than your opponents in order to be the winner, and advance to the next fixture. That's really it, so start right now, enjoy, and make sure to check out the other new games we have added today so far, as they are really great to play!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.