Tank Wars

Tank Wars

60 votes

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Tank Wars is a brand new game added into the Tank Games, 2 Player Games, and Boy Games categories from our website, which we know are among some of the best and most visited categories that we have here, so adding new content in them is always a great idea, so something is telling us that you are going to enjoy this game a lot as well, just like we did, which is why we knew we had to bring it over, so that as many children from all over the world also get this opportunity. We will now proceed by explaining more about how the game works, so make sure that you keep on reading the description. Well, you are going to first choose if you want to play single player, or you have someone to play in the 2 player mode. You are going to control your tank with the arrow keys, and shoot with the space bar. The goal is to go around the maze, defeating the other tank in there, because he is going to try and bring you down as well. Watch out for power-ups, since they will be useful, but about obstacles as well, since we are sure that you don't want to fall into a trap or something similar. Good luck to you, only here, on our website!

How to play?

Use the arrow keys and space bar.