Captain Biceps Memory
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Here we are for a second and last time today into the Captain Biceps Games category, where all sorts of games have already been added, but never before have there been any memory games in it, so it is our great pleasure that right now we get to offer you the game called Captain Biceps Memory, with which we have had a very enjoyable time from start to finish, something that we are sure will apply to you, especially since we know that memory games with cards have always been very well received here. Let us now explain the format, after which you should be able to do a great job playing, no doubt at all. You can play the game in three different levels of difficulty, each one harder than the last, as they have more and more cards to match in each. You click on two cards at a time to flip them around, and every time that they are the same, the cards get removed. Only when all of the cards have been removed you will have completed the level, and then we hope you will try your hand at the other one, until you finish all and have had a great time. Good luck to everyone!
How to play?
Use the mouse.