Kaeloo Maze Chase
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Welcome all to the first ever game we have added into the Kaeloo Games category, which we know is a category of games in which you have never been before, as we think that we are the first website to have created it and to have found these games and shared them with the whole wide world, so we are very happy, because we prove once again why here is the best place you can come and play great online games. Kaeloo Maze Chase is the first game of the series, whose gameplay we will explain right now, making sure that you are not going to have any difficulties playing it. Well, you are going to use the four arrow keys to control the toad in the maze, with which you have to grab all of the stars, getting points in return. What you have to be careful is the cat, from which you have to run away from, because if it touches you, you lose a life, and you only have three lives available. Finish the level when you have collected all the stars, and move on to the next one, where more fun awaits. We wish everyone playing this game good luck, and an awesome time on our website all day long!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.