Shopkins Find Seven Difference
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Differences Games have not been added before into the Shopkins Shoppies Games category, which means that right now on our website you are about to have a new and interesting experience, which is something that we try offering you with all the new games that we bring over, which is why we could not have missed the chance of adding this one, especially since spot the difference games have always been well received, so what are the chances this one will not be too? We explain how the game works right here, so we recommend reading this to the end before you start playing! There are two levels, each one with a different set of pictures, which seem to be the same. The thing is, they are not, as there are seven things different between them, that you need to find and click on. Do it before the time granted for that runs out on you, which is usually three minutes, or else you lose the game and have to start again. Clicking the wrong parts of the image three times will also cost you the game, so be very careful! Good luck to everyone, and we hope that just like us, you have a great time here!
How to play?
Use the mouse.