Splash Snake vs Blocks
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Well, we have seen how much you enjoyed previous Cloud Games added on our website all the time, so we are very happy that right now we get to share with you the game called Splash Snake vs Blocks, a game that is the latest addition to this page, and which we have just finished playing ourselves, and the reason why we added it here in the first place, and we have a feeling that not even one of you are going to be disappointed in it, as that would be a real shame. To make sure this does not happen, we now teach you to play the game, making sure you are going to do just great! You are going to use the mouse to move the snake left and right. The snake has a number of balls in it, and when there are obstacles in the form of numbered blocks, you can enter through them, but not if you have fewer numbers than the block. If that happens, you crash and have to start all over again. If you see numbered balls on the way, make sure to grab them, in order to become bigger, and be able to get through blocks with bigger numbers on them. Good luck, and we hope you stick around and check out even more of our cool games!
How to play?
Use the mouse.