Roblo X Zombie
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Roblo X Zombie is a zombie shooter game online made in Roblox Games, which only means that you're about to have even more fun than usual!
How to play Roblo X Zombie
- Move with WASD;
- Aim and shoot with the Mouse;
There are two maps you can choose to play on, with more of them coming soon:
- School;
- Sport Fields;
Explore the grounds of the map, and before the timer strikes zero, find and collect all the weapons, ammo, gear, and power-ups you can find.
- make sure to find rocks, diamonds, wood, and other resources as well, since they can be used in the building menu;
Once the clock strikes zero seconds, the waves of zombies will start their attack. Use all that you've gathered, and your skills, to shoot them up.
- Survive each wave of zombies by shooting them down, and then regroup. Repeat the process of gearing up, and then defeat the next wave.
- How many waves of zombies can you defeat?
With the resources you gather, you can enter the building menu to craft:
- fences, doors, guns, spikes, and explosive barrels to place around and use as a defense strategy;
- from the same menu, you buy handheld guns to equip yourselves with and shoot the zombies;
You can use the coins you earn as rewards after each wave in the main menu, where you can buy new skins for your playable character.
Benefits of the game:
- zombie shooting games improve reflexes;
- survival games improve stress management skills;
- creating defenses and upgrading your character will improve your resource management skills;
How to play?
Use WASD and the Mouse.