Car Eats Car 3: Twisted Dreams
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We have seen that you really enjoyed the Car Eats Car Games we have added yesterday on our website for you all, which is exactly why today we wanted to return to it, since there is still a game to offer you in it, a game which is called Car Eats Car 3: Twisted Dreams, which, obviously from the title, is going to take place in the dreams of a car, a car which fears that it is going to be eaten by other cars. We are going to explain to you what your role is in the game, so that you have no problem at all in winning the game. In order to control the car you are going to use the four arrow keys. To use the turbo you are going to press the X key. To use bombs you will press the space bar. To do flips you will also use the left and right arrow keys. Your goal in each level is to reach the end of each of one, and not get caught up by the car which is chasing you trying to eat you, because if that happens, you lose. That means you should avoid any obstacles in your path, since they are going to slow you down. Let the fun begin with this game right now, only on our website, where fun is a constant all the time!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys, X key, and space bar.