Mommy Goes Shopping
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Welcome all back to the Girl Games category, where shopping games have not been added in quite a while, which is why we are so happy that right now we get to share with you all the game called Mommy Goes Shopping, a game with which we have no doubt at all you are going to have lots of fun, or otherwise we would not have even though about sharing it with you. This is a game where you are going to go shopping with a mommy, who needs your help, so as not to forget anything for her household. Find out how this game is played right now, after which we hope you will try it at once! To go shopping, of course, you need money. Money are going to come out of the computer, and you have to quickly click on them to collect them, or else they disappear. You are playing against time, so before the time is done, make sure to grab as much money as you can, so that you will have a lot for shopping. Use the mouse to then shop what you have on the list, and if you have money left, buy some extra stuff as well, for yourself. It's very easy, and lots of fun as well, so why not start playing the game right now, having fun like only here it is possible?
How to play?
Use the mouse.