Harley Quinn Catches the Objects
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We now return to the very popular category of DC Super Hero Girls Games from our website, where we know for sure that new games are always welcome, since we know we are in the age of super heroes, where these stories are more popular than ever, the same of which can also be said about the games that we get to offer you all here. Harley Quinn Catches the Objects is a game unlike any other one you have played here before, so get yourself ready for a fresh experience. Don't you worry, because we will be explaining it right now, to make sure that you do a tremendous job at the game! From the top of the game screen there are going to be objects falling, and you are going to move the yo-kai using the mouse, with the goal being to grab those objects, getting points in return. You lose points if you grab other kinds of objects, or let the necessary ones fall without being caught. You will be playing against time, so before the timer reaches 0, do your best to get as many points as you can. As you can see, it is rather simple, so start right now, and you are definitely going to enjoy your time spent with the game!
How to play?
Use the mouse.