Balcony Diving
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Balcony Diving is yet another amazing skill game we have just added into the Cloud Games category, which, as you can clearly see, is getting more diverse with each new game we bring in it, something for which we are extremely happy, since we are trying to make our entire website diverse, and only by bringing new and interesting games are we going to be able to do so. We are sure that most of you have never played a game such as Balcony Diving before, which is why we hope you will continue reading the description, because in this next part of it we are going to explain exactly how it works, so that you do a great job at it! Well, you are going to use the mouse to click and hold the left mouse button, and then drag it in the direction in which you want to jump. You are going to be on a balcony, and your goal is going to be to dive off the balcony into the pool at the bottom, and every time that you manage to do it successfully, you are going to get rewarded with points, which must be very satisfying, right? Start the game right now, and we have no doubt at all you will enjoy it just as much as we did!
How to play?
Use the mouse.