Boomerang All Stars Beach Pogo
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Here we are, returning with yet another great and amazing game from our website to belong to as many categories such as: Boomerang Games, New Looney Tunes Games, Tom and Jerry Games, Be Cool Scooby Doo Games, Bunnicula Games, The Happos Family Games, Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz Games, and Wacky Races Games. Yes, all of these amazing characters that we know you all love on Boomerang are reuniting in this game, where you get to start by choosing in which team you want to belong, each team representing one of these shows. How you control the pogo on the beach? You can learn how by reading this description to the end. Well, the character is jumping on the pogo, and you help him jump forward, having to jump from platform to platform, without falling into the water. You decide how far you want to jump with the pogo, and you can do it with the mouse or space bar, and the longer you hold the buttons down, the farther you are going to jump. Good luck to all of you, and if you want to have more fun, stick with us all day long, since many great games are going to be offered to you for free!
How to play?
Use the space bar or mouse.