Gumball Hidden Letters
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Now that the Gumball Games category on our website has in it all of the official games released that were based on it, we can now also start bringing you fan-made games, which are equally fun, trust us on that, because we want to make sure that this category has a wide range of games in it, so that we can provide as much fun as possible to the many fans that this Cartoon Network show has all over the world, and something tells us you will enjoy this game, since hidden letters games have not been added here before. Of course, because of that, we will now proceed by explaining to you all how the game works! On the bottom of the game screen you see the list of letters that you have to find in the image above. With the mouse you click on them when you find them, getting 50 points in return. Be very careful though not to click where there are no letters too many times, because every time you do it, you lose 15 points. Also, be careful, as you are being timed, so try to finish each level as quickly as possible, for extra time! What are you waiting for? Let the fun begin at once, and don't leave, as we still have plenty of other games to offer you here, all day long!
How to play?
Use the mouse.